In my weekend forays into embedded systems, I came up with the idea to build a dedicated hardware system resource monitor to always show the CPU, Memory, and I/O utilization of my computer in a beautiful phyisical device. Who doesn't like a retro techy gadget?
The initial design used a simple 4 character 14-segment amber LED display and an Adafruit Feather HUZZAH microcontroller for the brains. It alternated showing the current CPU and Memory usage in percent, collecting performance data using the DTrace for Windows library, and streaming the data over the UART in a bespoke text format. It only worked on Windows and was pretty finnicky, but it was damn cool.
It fit nicely on my desk, and I was happy with it, for a time. But I soon wanted more information: disk and network I/O, histograms to visualize the statistics over time. I also wanted a robust CLI with backwards-compatibility for my original hardware, improved support for things like display update interval and display brightness, and the ability to run the host as a daemon so it could be started on boot with no interaction and run completely in the background.
I chose a 128x32 pixel monochrome OLED display, and wrote a primitive but effective graphing library to render pretty histograms. The end result looked something like this:
The memory limitation led me to implement a simple Ring Buffer to store chronological data and to write and read efficiently without allocation. This also resulted in quite simple rendering code.
void drawHistogram(&Adafruit_GFX display, int *data, int offset, Edge edge)
for(int i = offset, x = 0; x < display.width(); --i, ++x) {
if (i < 0)
i = display.width() - 1;
int16_t column = display.width() - x - 1;
switch (edge) {
case Edge::Top:
(data[i] * display.height()) / Y_SCALE,
case Edge::Bottom:
(display.height() - data[i] * display.height()) / Y_SCALE,
With the help of the sysinfo crate and some handy macros, we could now build and run cross-platform, and even daemonize the host to make it simple to start at boot.
Given that the host code was already written in Rust, and seeing the opportunity for a challenge, I decided to rewrite the microcontroller code in Rust as well. Using espflash and this lovely guide by Scott Mabin, I was able to compile Rust for the ESP32 board. But while ultimately possible, I found few benefits — and a number of difficulties around the tooling needed to get it working. I eventually went back to C++ for the microcontroller code, but hope to see progress in this space in the future.
Overall, I'm quite happy with the outcome, and the sharp little device sits on my desk to this day.